Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So I have had several folks comment about my lack of recent blogging activity. Sorry folks, even on Spring Break, I was a BUSY girl. I don't have the kind of sit down and ponder for hours about what I might say on here time these days. In fact, the ideas for these blogs usually come directly from a conversation or an idea that "flits" around in my head while I'm driving. Yes, I just used the word "flits". Sue me.

So I'll just give you an update on me...and we'll see where that takes us. You know I'm in nursing school, and it's kicking me in the pants. But we start clinicals, and I'm excited to see what happens next in that journey. Of course, every professor has decided we're behind, so they are kicking things into high gear at the point in the semester where you think you've got the routine down and can relax just a bit. I am back on my 4 test this weeks, none the next rotation -- happy, happy, joy, joy.

My dad just remarried, the verdict is still out on how I feel about that, but I did my part to ensure it was a memorable day for he and Lori -- even if I'm not fully "there" with the whole idea. As a good friend would say, I "put my big girl panties on" and dealt with it the best way I could. I may have a future in wedding planning...or maybe not. I had some great people there to support me and it meant a lot. I threw my own after party, and kept my party dress on because I could!

It's Holy Week -- and that means "busy". Need I say more? And I'm really looking forward to Easter dinner. (and Brad's Fried Chicken...yum!)

hmmm. yeah, I've got nothing.